dhtmlxScheduler timeline view is buggy on 2.3

minor issue 1.
Yep, known one, kind of non critical, will be released as part of next version.
( it possible to redefine the method of scheduler, which sets position of lightbox - if you need to fix it ASAP )

minor issue 2.
This is something new, we will check it.

Scheduler will work only in Standard mode of IE , not quite sure which mode sets above meta tag.
In any case such way to set IE mode will break IE version detection of component, it will work as for IE8, while browser will render all as in IE7. There is a way to manually set IE mode flags for the component, but it is more preferable to use native IE8 rendering mode as it is has much more better rendering engine.

Hi Stanislav,
It seems as though its not the viewable area which is greyed, but the greyed out box seems to be the size of the screen’s resolution and always positioned on the top of the scrollable area using Internet Explorer 8, instead of covering the entire scrollable area of the screen. Neither of these issues have stopped me from completing my scheduler, but thought I should alert you guys incase they were unknown.

Thanks for all your help and your great product.

Kind regards

The issue with incorrect lightbox positioning was fixed , we will include fix in the next release.