Scheduler Enhancements

I haven’t used the scheduler yet. I’m just reading about it, so forgive me if I missed something and these features already exist.

  1. Allow formatted HTML content, images, etc. in event description.

  2. Separate event title from event description. I would want to enter a short title and long description.

  3. Option to popup lightbox on mouse over, close lightbox on mouse out.

  4. Option to condense multiple overlapping events into a ‘Multiple Events . . .’ entry in week view. Include option for threshold for how many overlapping events cause it to condense. In month view, could be a ‘More . . .’ entry. Hover over ‘Multiple Events . . .’ for a list of the overlapping events, sort of like the year view works. Hover over the list for the individual event. As it is, if you have several overlapping events, they crowd together and get increasing thinner.

Any html content can be used inside event’s description ( you can place markup directly in event’s text, or define template how values from DB need to be shown )

Possible as well. You can specify any count of extra fields and define how they will look in the details form.

Not available for now.
Rich tooltips is in the TODO list for the next version.

Not available.