dhtmlxGrid - master_checkbox

Im usign a dhtmlxGrid and it has a ‘ch’ column, there is also a #master_checkbox on the header section,

whem im loading data into the grid (with json) there is a ‘verify’ function implemented, this enables / disables the record checkbox, so for example, we could have 10 records and 5 of them could be “disabled”

when im check the #master_checkbox it checks/unchecks all the records in the grid,

is there any way to avoid checking/unchecking disbaled records ? ( the idea is disabled records cannot be modified -checked/unchecked- )


You need to modify code of “master_checkbox” or create a custom one to achieve such effect.


var c=this.cells(id,j);
if (c.isCheckbox()) c.setValue(val);

can be changed to

var c=this.cells(id,j);
if (c.isCheckbox() && !c.isDisabled()) c.setValue(val);

we will check possibility of such modification adding to the main codebase