Upload File / File Explorer

Dear sirs

as i don’t found any tutorial about dhtmlxFileExplorer i hope to get an answer in this part of your forum. I upload several files with form integrated upload script.
Later i use dhtmlxFileExplorer to navigat through the uploaded files. My problem is that i just can open bitmap files. Is there any trick to open a pdf, doc, or xls? I can upload the file, i allow and see it in the FileExplorer and i can open it … but if there’s no bitmap i just see rubbish in the opened window.

Really hope that someone can help me.

Thank you in advance

Best regards


please provide link to you demo with into how to reproduce


I prepared a demo here: http://www.mds.umdispotool.de/Demo/index.php
I tried to upload some testfiles into the folder “test” but this ones are not clickable ?!

Hope you can give me a tip.

Thank you


I see the emo but not sure what the question is?

Problem is that i’m not able to open “doc” / “xls” / “pdf”. Just pictures ?!

Well, natively browser not support pdf-viewing. Some plugins (like adobe pdf viewer) will allow you to view pdfs directly in browser, also you can parse pdf on serverside and show image. The same for xls, doc, etc.