Before edit cell select all


I use single click edit: grid.enableEditEvents(true, false, true);
I want to select all text in cell that when user enter any key the previous value will not be appended, but replaced and new text will appear here.
I thought I should use
grid.attachEvent(“onEditCell”, function(stage, rId, cInd, nValue, oValue) {
onEditCell(stage, rId, cInd, nValue, oValue);
for stage 0 maybe 1 but did not find any method to do it. It is simple editable cell.

Thank you for help how to do it.


Try to use Excell keymap … excel.html
or Access keymap … ccess.html


this does not help me. I want when I enter cell by single click which is already working to select all text like this: This is cell content I want to edit.(see attached picture)

At leat I want to be able to access cell edit control programatically to select all text myselv using javacript select() to select all text.


I forgot attachment

Try to use following code in case of “ed” column type

mygrid.attachEvent("onEditCell",function(stage,rId,cInd,nValue,oValue){ if (stage==1&&cInd==0){; } return true; });