Scroll to current time

Is there a way in day view to jump (or scroll) to a time. For example, I can click my custom button and scroll to (i.e. 10am).


If my window is short and I have a vertical scroll bar in day view… if I want to jump to say 10am using a custom button for example, is this possible?

scheduler.config.first_hour_view = 10;

So that 10am is at the top, but the user can still scroll earlier in the day if his grid started at 00:00 for example. Not to be confused with:

scheduler.config.first_hour = 10

Many thanks.

The next will have a similar effect

scheduler.config.scroll_hour = 10

Great! Dare I ask when? :smiley:

Actually this options already exists in version 2.2

Sorry, I was confused with your reply. I thought you meant “next” release", not your next line of code! :slight_smile:

GREAT!!! :smiley:

If you set a scroll hour, and you are in unit view, when you click the arrow button to scroll units to the right, the scroll hour jumps in and you keep losing the time you were viewing when changing the units in view.

The scroll hour should not trigger when changing units?? Is this a bug or intentional operation?

Thanks guys.

This is not expected behavior.
Currently scroll_hour applied for any update of the view, which is probably not the best solution, we will try to improve behavior in the next version.

If you need a fix ASAP - please contact us directly at