October 2010 month view bug

To reproduce:
in Month view

Rendering issue:
the last week rendered has all days in november thus should not be rendered.

Event creation problem:
create an event by dragging 30th to 31st…
the event created is ended 23:00.

Issue most probably caused by day-light time shifting at end of October.
What is timezone of PC, on which issue occurs ?

it’s also reproduceable on your example site

but I’m running on GMT+1 (Stockholm) on a mac, also reproduced on Ubuntu GMT+1.


Thank you for your valuable feedback, we appreciate it!

We have confirmed this issue, fix will be included in the upcoming version.
As a temporary solution you can edit your dhtmlxscheduler.js file.

Locate following part of the code:

} else { start = ev.start_date.valueOf(); if (this._table_view) end = this._min_date.valueOf()+pos.y*this.config.time_step*60000 + (pos.custom?0:24*60*60000); else{ end = this.date.date_part(new Date(ev.end_date)).valueOf()+pos.y*this.config.time_step*60000; this._els["dhx_cal_data"][0].style.cursor="s-resize";

And change it this way:

} else { start = ev.start_date.valueOf(); if (this._table_view) { // add bracket end = this._min_date.valueOf()+pos.y*this.config.time_step*60000 + (pos.custom?0:24*60*60000); if (this._mode == "month") // new line end = this._correct_shift(end, false); // new line } // add bracket else{ end = this.date.date_part(new Date(ev.end_date)).valueOf()+pos.y*this.config.time_step*60000; this._els["dhx_cal_data"][0].style.cursor="s-resize";

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards,

I have the same but using dhtmxScheduller 2.3, but my dhtmlxscheduler.js is compressed, I cant locate the code, can you send me the dhtmlxscheduler.js fixed, please.


I make the changes in the dhtmlxscheduler_debug.js, but the bug remains, I’m running on GMT-3 (Brazil).


Scheduler’s uncompressed sources are located in the “sources” folder.

In case of Brazil timezone try using solution on the known issues page.

Best regards,