scheduler.locale.labels.button_help="Help label";
scheduler.form_blocks.textarea.button_click=function(index, src, sec, data){
//called on button click
// index - index of section
// sec - html element of section header
// sec - html element of section editor
And within my CSS document, I added the following style:
And I cant get the button too pop up. I tried assigning an absolute URL too the background image, rather than a relative URL, and that made no difference.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards
Greg Goldberg
Thank you for pointing our attention to this issue
And I cant get the button too pop up.
Button should be displayed correctly with the text defined in the scheduler.locale.labels.button_help variable. But indeed icon for it won’t be displayed:
Right now it uses name of the section instead of button in the CSS class:
.dhx_custom_button_description instead of .dhx_custom_button_help
Fix will be included in the upcoming version though you can apply it yourself right now:
Open dhtmlxscheduler.js
function declaration.
3. Locate following part (variable names may differ):
if (sns[i].button) button = "<div style='float:right;' class='dhx_custom_button' index='"+i+"'><div class='dhx_custom_button_"+sns[i].button+"'></div>
Hi Ilya,
Thanks for your advice, pointing me to that scope of the code managed to resolve my issue. To do this, I had to make the following change to the code. The code you mentioned is now