does somebody uses the current version 2.5 with touch devices (ipad, android tablets,…)
I recently updates from 2.3 with dhtmlyscheduler_touch.js and *.css extension.
Now the scheduler will not open the lightbox any more!
I can add an attach event for onclick, this works (really bad, but it works) but as i already use the onclick method i should have the same behaviour as before:
long-touch (like dbl-click) shall open a new(editing) lightbox
Somebody 3.5 running with touch?
How can i get it running!
scheduler.attachEvent("onEmptyClick", function(date, native_event) {
// custom code here
It seems it is missing in the documentation, will be updated shortly. Sorry for the inconvenience.
thanks, this opens a lightbox but i still need the basic tablet compatibility.
i tried to include dhxscheduler_mobile.js and css from the mobile version: dhtmlxScheduler_mobile_v35_120626
is this legal? i read in a different post: functionality from dhtmlxscheduler_touch.js should be added into mobile package.
when including js before dhtmlxscheduler.js --> calender is show correctly and working on pc but limited on touch(event-crreation,…)
when including after htmlxscheduler.js --> calender is not even loaded on pc and touch.
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