How do handle server response and show an alert on scheduler

I want to show user that scheduler event is added or modified… I want show the use a popup for 5 secs and disappers , but how to handle respone with which event…

dataprocessor afterupdatefinish seem not working…

Which code you are using currently ?
Something like next must work

dp.attachEvent("onAfterUpdateFinish", function(){ webix.message("Data was saved"); });

I use dataprocessor to post and then I handle with Spring…
Want to handle response if any error … seems like post update events are not working… I can see events working for row and before update…

Please check that server side response has a correct format. … gprinciple

Response must be valid xml, with valid content type and correct sid value. If response is invalid - onafterupdate and onafterupdatefinish events will not be triggered.

getting response this way from server…

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>

client side…
dp.attachEvent(“onAfterUpdateFinish”, function(){
webix.message(“Scheduled Successfully”);

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘!nativeeditor_status’ of undefined dhtmlxscheduler.js:247
scheduler.getUserData dhtmlxscheduler.js:247
dataProcessor.setUpdated dhtmlxscheduler.js:57
dataProcessor.afterUpdateCallback dhtmlxscheduler.js:65
dataProcessor.afterUpdate dhtmlxscheduler.js:66

got it, passing wrong id, Thank you Sir…