Timeline starting from hour other than midnight, 24hrs


I would like my time line grid to start from 7.am, which is our first shift (but still show 24 hrs). Is this possible?

Also is it possible to apply colors to the time line based on content (for example 7am-11am and 11am to 3pm are both shift 1 so would like to color them color A and then the next two 4 hour blocks a color B and the last two, 4 hour blocks in a 24 hour period color C

is this possible?



Figured it out (I thought I had to use ints for the config values)

x_step: 8, //(number) the X-Axis step in 'x_unit’s. By default, 1
x_start: 0.875, //(number) the X-Axis offset in 'x_unit’s. By default, 0