multiple timeline views in a single scheduler

Instead of having eg day view, month view and timeline buttons I would like to be able to two or more timeline views with different horizontal scales e.g. one that spans 24hrs and another 48 or more hours.

Q1. Is this possible (I’m currently experimenting with JavaPlanner)
Q2. If I change the horizontal scale in a timeline to span say, 2 days I get strange behaviour from the day change arrow buttons next to the today button. Can this be resolved through config?

A1. Yes, scheduler can have many timelines with different configs. Buttons for the default views (day, week, month) can be removed

A2. It may depend on configuration of the timeline scale. If scale is set in hours, try specifying x_length property, it will define a scroll step of the timeline. Sometimes hour and minutes timelines requires some configuring in order to work correctly with ‘next’ and ‘previous’ buttons

Thanks - I now see what I was doing wrong. I had copied a block of code where I was creating the view in order to create the second timeline, but was inadvertantly setting the names of the two views to be the same - view.setName(“timeline”); I realise now that this line in not needed as the view name is set in the constructor anyway.

Re: Q2 Yes - that fixed it. Many thanks