too much height in timeline rows


I’ve set up timeline with a fixed height, sometimes we have a few rows , so every row has too much height.
How I can maintain fixed scheduler max-height and have rows not exceeding for example 70px?


use the ‘section_autoheight’ property of timeline config … eview.html

Ehi thanks!

Another question:
we have a few rows and the scheduler is too big, is there a property to
tell the scheduler to shrink if num rows < height ? And to occupy at max height Px,
after that height scroll (this is also the current default behaviour) ?

you can try this extension … autoresize

This will remove inner scrolling of a scheduler and shrink/expand container as needed to fit all data.
When you’ll have many sections, you can manually disable this behavior by this config in order to fix the size of a container and get a vertical scroll. (i.e. you’ll have to track scheduler content size for example by checking the number of timeline section, and disable/enable autosize as needed)

scheduler.config.container_autoresize = false;