In Java - No such method

Trying to set behavior on Insert, Update Delete. The documentation says that can attach SQL for each operation type. But there is no attach() method on the SchedulerConnector.sql???

e.g. gridConn.sql.attach(OperationType.UPDATE,"Update tableA set name=’{name}’, price={price} where … … plequeries

Some examples on Java connector with simple, complex queries is needed. The documentation is not complete. There is no sample app covering scenarios. Stuck!

First the Datawrapper did not have attach(). So typecasted it.
DBDataWrapper dbDataWrapper = (DBDataWrapper) schedulerConnector.sql;
“insert into Person ({name}, {address}, now()”);

Now what should come here?

						"insert into Person ({name}, {address}, now()",
						"name, address");

In samples.war there is a WEB-INF\src\

As for render_sql command - use normal SELECT command there. It will be used for data loading. When some record will be added on a client side, server side will receive this info and will trigger SQL code defined by OperationType.Insert