setUserData and Multi user syncronization

Hi ,

What i’m trying to do is if add some data in the event object , i would like it to appear on all the users. is there a way to do this ?

Thank you.

If this is data stored in DB it will be saved and synced in the same way as any other events property.

on server side

$scheduler->render_table("events", "id", "start_date, end_date, text, some")

on client side

event.some = "new value"; //force saving and data syncing scheduler.callEvent("onEventChanged", []);

Hello Stanislav ,

yes the data is on database but it’s not in the same table as the events and it doesn’t figure in render_table , to explain better what i need to do , i have 2 tables , one for the events another for the clients and multi user sync is enabled.

i use render_table (only for events) and use “beforeRender” to attach client infos to the event row
like this : $row->set_userdata(“client”,json_encode($cltsArray[$row->get_value(“clt_id”)]));
then convert the json string to a js object on the client side (this approach to solve issue with mix and xml :p) now on the client side i get each event with its client infos as json string.

the issue now if add a new event and create property client that containts client infos as string
it’s doesn’t get sent to the other users , which make sense cause the multi sync gets the data that appears on render_table only.

is there a way or trick to achieve this.
