Quick Info window without changes on icons


I’ve added the quick_info.js-File like described in Touch support in dhtmlxScheduler

On event click, I change the icons depended on readonly and add an custom icon.

if (event.readonly)
scheduler.config.icons_select = [“icon_customerdata”,“icon_details”];
scheduler.config.icons_select = [“icon_customerdata”,“icon_details”,“icon_edit”, “icon_delete”];
scheduler.locale.labels.icon_customerdata = “Kundendaten”;

Without quick-Info, it’s ok. The new icon is displayed and logic on readonly-events works.
With quick-info, it should be the same
From document: “Note, the quick-info selection side menu and selection menu in the standard scheduler use the same configuration that is stored in the icons_select object.”

but I see allways Details and Delete-Button.

best regards


The same problem happened for me too . so I solved it by below method ,
I made it with the css :smiling_imp: :imp: :sunglasses: :laughing: :unamused: .

[code]scheduler.attachEvent(“onClick”, function(id) {
var objEvent = scheduler.getEvent(id);
//Hiding the delete , reserve button from quick info ( if WAITING status )
if (objEvent.ConfirmedPhonebooking == “checked”) {
} else {


        return true;
    });    [/code]