Accidental drag and drop

I am overriding the click on an event to display my own custom dialog like this

scheduler.attachEvent(“onClick”, displayMenu);

However, often this onClick won’t be called when clicking on an event and it will invoke drag and drop of the event. I still want drag and drop enabled, but only when they actually drag, not just click.

Any ideas what could cause this?

Can you share any kind of sample, where the issue can be checked?

If the mouse pointer was moved during clicking, it may result in drag-n-drop activation.

I can try and create an example. The mouse is definitely not moved, I have tried and reproduced this many times. It is like it is stuck in ‘begin drag’ mode when the mouse is clicked and so it performs an ‘end drag’ on the click and moves the event.

It is possible that you have some event handler or some configuration which result in js error during mouseup key processing, which may lead to such effect. If possible, please share any kind of a sample or a demo link where the issue can be checked.