dhtmlxSpreadsheet review and others.


  1. nice to try.but 30 days trial limit.So i don’t have time to test it.
  2. importing excel quite nice but needed asp.net.
  3. multi worksheet

gelsheet(Feng Office) (sencha)

  1. install and cannot run .


  1. Work on the spot,after installation.
    2.quite slow because calculation at the back end.It should be like this since we might dealing
    with hundred of row…
    ** i like this because easy me to eval function on the back end to get value.no need to hack javascript code.
  2. Single worksheet,but can modify as tab based so can simuastily get info.So concept !sheetnameb1 + !sheetnameb2 still can apply.
    4.Row cannot be added or delete. Ya.it’s kinda complicated.i will try to match with my old php code financial report upon formula calculation issue…
    ** if dhmltx can be done… kinda marvelous…
  3. Really need a underline,doubleline… An’t sure how to it… but will try…
    ** hope dhtmlx can improved this spreadsheet much nicer.