Resize tab label after changing label


I’m dynamically changing a tabbar label using setLabel(). This is working fine, but the width of the tab doesn’t change. If the user enters a new label that is longer than the first label, much of the text is cut off. Is there a way to resize the tab to match the label text after changing the label?



the current tabbar version doesn’t support such a functionality. However, you may use the following approach that is based on private property:


Also you should define the following css class:

.dhx_tab_element span{ white-space:nowrap }

This solution seems to be a bit buggy:

  1. The Label gets bigger and bigger everytime i use the function
  2. There is a strange darker line under the Label


we are going to release the new version of the components 2.6 soon (in few days). setLabel will adjust tab width automatically.


You seem to have the same bug which occured when i programmed this function.
With close buttons tabs get bigger and bigger everytime you set label.

And size doesn’t seem to be reduced when short label is set after long label.


we have reproduced the problem. The fixed tabbar is attached (Standard edition). (12.3 KB)

Can we use this item in our PRO version, too?

And where do i have to replace it for compilation with libcompiler (There is one in source and one in codebase)?

Can we use this item in our PRO version, too?

Please create the ticket at to get the PRO library (standard doesn’t have all features those are included into pro edition).

You may also try to modify the existent dhtmlxTabbar/sources/dhtmlxtabbar.js (not compressed code) yourself:

locate the following method, line 488:



and replace it the following:

adjustTabSize:function(tab,size){ var a=this._getSkin(a); if (!size){"bold"; tab.childNodes[3].style[this._dx] =[this._dx]="10px"; size=tab[this._s._vMode?"scrollHeight":"scrollWidth"]+10+(this._close?20:0);""; }[this._dx]=size+"px"; tab._size=size; this._img_all(tab); },

And where do i have to replace it for compilation with libcompiler (There is one in source and one in codebase)?

You need to replace the file in codebase.