Is there a possibility to add more than one OptionConnector like this,
Yep, it must work for multiple columns
Is it throws some kind of error , or just doesn’t load the second list?
It is not throwing any errors but loads same data for both combo-box. I don’t know where i am wrong.
Karthick K.
In your client side configuration, you are using different names for serverList command, right ?
yes of course i am using different names for serverList command. What it does is, it combines type+type1 data together and loads same data in both combo box.
And also i have one more doubt. Is it possible to check whether the event is dragged or not on the server side?
Problem with multiple selects was confirmed and fixed - updated js file is attached to the post. (21 KB)
Thanks for the updated js file . It is working now. Is it possible to check whether the event is dragged or not on the server side?
Karthick K.
Nope, this functionality is fully client side. You can attach code to the related client side handler and make ajax call from it , to inform a server side code.
I got issue with more than one select box. Its always showing single type even if i retrieved two types for the two select box and also type specified differently. As i saw the Stanislav has posted an updated version of dhtlxscheduler.js i have also upadated my code but now its showing two blank select box.
Please help me asap for the multiple select box issue.
Okay thank you very much for your assistance.
I got issue with more than one select box
Check the client side and server side code - names of types are different for different selects, and same for the server and client side code
Hi Stanislav,
Here i am attaching my code snippets, i hope am following as you said in the post. PLease let me know if any thing wrong.
Client Side Code
{name:“operatory”, height:21, map_to:“apmt_operatory_id”, type:“select”,options:scheduler.serverList(“operatory”)},
{name:“provider”, height:21, map_to:“apmt_prov_id”, type:“select”,options:scheduler.serverList(“provider”)
Server Side Code
$scheduler = new schedulerConnector($res);
$list_operatory = new OptionsConnector($res);
$scheduler->set_options(“operatory”, $list_operatory);
$list_provider = new OptionsConnector($res);
$scheduler->set_options(“provider”, $list_provider);
Thanks in advance
I am still thinking about this feature.
I need to show 2 lightbox from 2 tables connected between them. One of them has primary key from the other one as a foreign key. Where I have to choose tables and fields to be shown?
After that, I need to save event created in another table.
Could I specify before shown calendar any value to introduce in sql query?
i want to show a lightbox for search instead of default lightbox on double clicking for ceating event. After search submit i want the default enevt create lightbox for creating an event for the searched person. Is this posible stansilav?
Something similar to the next, can be used
var old = scheduler.showLightbox;
var edit_id = null;
scheduler.showLightbox = function(id){
edit_id = id;
function after_submit(){, edit_id);
Where show_custom_form - some custom method, which will render your custom search form. And after search-form task is finished, it must call after_submit to show the default lightbox.
You can use render_sql in connectors configuration, with any custom SQL code
But in such case auto-saving may not work , you will need to define custom SQL or PHP code for insert|update|delete actions.
Your code is correct. Problem was in scheduler’s parser.
Updated version is attached to the email. (49.9 KB)
The above updated version of dhtmlxscheduler.js solved my multiple select box issue.
Thanks alot…Stanislav
Hi Stanislav,
How can i render my custom form in show_custom_form(); ? And also i wanted the searched results of my custom form selected in the event create default form text fields defined by me. Please let me know is there any code snippet for custom form creation.
Thanks in advance.