Can I save the lightbox without exiting

actually select_id is null too and that’s the one that holds the new primary key that was added in the db


Since the getState isn’t returning the select_id like it should

I’m going to try using the set_response_attribute to send it back

My boss is happy I have a save button, but so far I’m not able to add links with my new id in the lightbox as a result of the missing select_id…


I created a band-aid and it’s semi working.

I’m getting the event ID in the lightbox to use as a link by getting the last id inserted into the database and passing it back through a fictitious error message and setting a localStorage variable that is accessed in the javascript for the light box (what a royal pain in the …)

Now the only problem is that there’s no return value until you press the save button 2x. You have got to be kidding :confused: Well that’s better than having to save and re-enter the lightbox. May have to create a band-aid for this too!

(on click double click lol)




function init() {

   localStorage.myid = '';             

scheduler.attachEvent("onLightbox", function(id){          
    //localStorage.myid = scheduler.getState().select_id;  
    localStorage.myid = id;                                

 scheduler.form_blocks["link_editor"] = {                                
     render:function(sns) {                                              
         // get id                                                       
         var id = scheduler.getState().select_id;                        
         var readonly = (id === null) ? 0 : this.getEvent(id).readonly;  
         // for new records                                              
         mylength = localStorage.myid.length;                            
         if (!id && mylength != 13) {                                    
             id = localStorage.myid;                                     

// all this for this !!!
var link1 = “Pri
return “

” + "  " + link1 + “
 dp.attachEvent("onAfterUpdate", function(sid, action, tid, tag){   
     localStorage.myid = tag.getAttribute("event_id");              

event_model.php (codeigniter)

function insert($action){

$this->db->insert(“events”, $this);
$event_id = $this->db->insert_id();

//$connector->render(); // case style show
$this->log($action, ‘added’, $event_id);
