Combo inside toolbar

My apologies. I’ve missed that post.
Unfortunately there is no event in the dhtmlxGrid 5 allowing to block the editor closing.

I was afraid it was. Some suggestions to implement the functionality ? Which are the functions in the library to try to modify. If i reach the result it could be useful for all the forum.


Hi Sematik. i need an explanation about subgrid.

I’m using the suite 5.0 standard but i’d like to use subgrids. I don’t understand if it’s possibile with the pro version only or is possibile in standard version too adding the dhtmlxgrid_excell_sub_row.js ?

Adding this file something happens but it seems that something is missing to run correctly


Subgrid exCell is available in PRO version only:
And this your mentioned extention (dhtmlxgrid_excell_sub_row.js), by the way, is available in PRO version only too. :slightly_smiling_face:

OK thanks. i found the js file on the blog and being an excell field i thought it was enough to run subgrids also because the onSubGridCreated event is not only in PRO version.