You are right, but when i equal the set_value inps[], than the two combo boxes are not there any more :-/
I don’t know how to say for example comboB that this is the value for the “vorname”, when i click save. Furthermore i thought, that the order of the approaching of the input is like the one in get_value, so how to adress the comboboxes right?
I made the following change, too:
[code]if (!node.combos){
var comboA = new dhtmlXCombo("combo_zone_nachname","dummy","150px");
comboA.enableFilteringMode(true, "php/nachname.php", true, true);
var comboB = new dhtmlXCombo("combo_zone_vorname","dummy","150px");
comboB.enableFilteringMode(true, "php/vorname.php", true, true);
node.combos = true; //added! // CHANGED
node.comboA.setComboValue(ev.nachname||""); // CHANGED
node.comboB.setComboValue(ev.vorname||""); // CHANGED[/code]
For any reasons the values are all not re-set when i open a lightform, close it and open one form another event… damn i am totally unsure what to do! Right now i don’t know, what is happening at the get and set methods
Check the attache one
a) indexes of inputs changed ( because of combos, which are creating their own inputs during initialization )
b) node.comboA and node.comboB vars initialized
c) combo API used in get_value (69 KB)
Awesome !!!
Now i can get what i sgoing on there, and now i see exactly the party i missed before!
Where is your BUY ME A BEER - Button ?!? 
I am working with different creators of event… via PC and via MOBIL (for example).
I call the field “user”. Before updateing to cool autocomplete-function the application automaticaly inserted the hidden “pc” (praxis) atrribute to the event while creating (and if i open up the scheduler via mobile it starts another index.html that autoamtically fills “mobil”).
Now this function seems to be gone.
When i create event, the “user” field stays empty. When i reopen it and press save again (no changes needed) he fills the field with the predefined word (for example “praxis”).
The code should be this one in set_value-method:
inps[8].value = ev.user||"praxis";
I understand, that it checks, if ev.user exists, otherwise fill it up with the word.
In the get_value-method it is used like this:
ev.user = inps[8].value;[code]
I am confused, cause everthing works fine, after i reopened an created event and saved it again.
Reason why i have to fix this: When i open up an event marked as MOBILE and saved again, the user-value is removed. I couldn’t reconstruate the creator.
Try to change
[code] node.combos = true; //added! // CHANGED
node.comboA.setComboValue(ev.nachname||""); // CHANGED
node.comboB.setComboValue(ev.vorname||""); // CHANGED
[code] node.combos = true;
} else {
Currently the code never reach ev.user setting code, because of return in node creating logic
While i was specifiing the problem for you, you postet the correct answer again.
Strange how easy it could be…
Now it works like a sharm. No problems within. THX!