dhtmlxGantt 2.0 (development version)

How do you include Time on StartTime and not just Date? and likwise can you include Time on EndTime? This is essential in working on tasks that has to start its process right after one task is complete and time is of the essence. Like for example when Task #1 starts at 8:00am and finishes at 2:00pm, Task #2 follows at 2:30pm on the same day and will run for 3 days and 5 hours and Task #3 follows immediately after that. Is there a way to specify that one in this gantt chart? Most of the examples only accept Date from the data and no examples displaying or specifying the time.

You can change format of date in the gannt, by adding next line before gantt.init

gantt.config.date_grid = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i";

You can use any date format options

isit possible to put more than 1 time duration on each task?

can 1 task with multiple time duration?

means 1 task i would like to put 3 time frame

You can as many custom fields per task as necessary. But only one will be used for the bar rendering. ( it possible to adjust rendering function to show multiple durations - but it will require a bit of custom coding )

Since you can display different timescales and even by the hour, Is there a way for us to do this on the data?

var demo_tasks = {
{“id”:11, “text”:“Project #1”, “start_date”:“01-04-2013 13:00:00”, “duration”:“11”, “progress”: 0.6, “open”: true},
{“id”:1, “text”:“Project #2”, “start_date”:“01-04-2013 05:00:00”, “duration”:“18”, “progress”: 0.4, “open”: true},

I wanted the chart to start at 1pm for Project #1 and 5am Project #2 on 01/04/2013.

This would be a great feature to incorporate as there are tasks that are very time specific even though the task spans multiple days or even months or years.

I would really appreciate if you guys can enlighten me on this one.


any information when will be new GanttChart available?

Regards, Ivan

The connectors still don’t seem to be working. The samples are not working at all.

I wanted the chart to start at 1pm for Project #1 and 5am Project #2 on 01/04/2013.
Yep it possible, but you will need to disable snap-to-grid feature

scheduler.config.round_dnd_dates = false;

The connectors still don’t seem to be working
Online db-related samples do not work, but ones in the downloadable package must be working.

any information when will be new GanttChart available?
If all goes fine, final version will be released till the end of this week.

Hi Stanislav,
great news!

Regards, Ivan

I’m trying to find the example 07_minutes_scale.html from your nightly builds but its now gone. Any updated version of your nightly builds with this example in it?


Thanks for letting us evaluate the dev version of 2.0. I like the various improvements. A couple of questions: (1) How do you destroy and re-instantiate a chart object in 2.0? Because our application is single-page (code blocks are dynamically loaded and unloaded) we rely on being able to construct and destroy objects as needed. In Version 1.0 of Gantt, you could use the “new” keyword to instantiate a chart, add tasks, etc. In Version 2.0, the chart appears to be a static object, so if we remove and re-add the Div container where the chart appears, the Gantt chart disappears and we’re stuck. Also, does this mean we can’t have more than one Gantt chart showing in our entire application? (2) How do you change the color of each task bar individually? I see how to change the skin, but I thought there would be a way to specify the color in the parsable JSON (e.g. {“id”:1,“text”:“Test”,…,“color”:"#FF0000"}).

How do you destroy and re-instantiate a chart object in 2.0?
In the final version ( will be released today or tomorrow ) you will be able to use grid.init multiple times, to reinit the scheduler object in the new container. There is no “destroy” functionality as gantt object itself will not be destroyed, but you can remove its html container and later init the same gantt ( will all previously defined settings ) in the different html container.

Also, does this mean we can’t have more than one Gantt chart showing in our entire application
Currently you are limited to the one gantt per page ( but as you can reload a data in the chart and reconfigure chart itself on the fly - it is not so big limitation ) We plan to add the ability to have few dhtmlxGantt objects on page in the same time in the next update ( version 2.1, will be released in November 2013 )

As for coloring, check
docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/desktop__c … tasks.html

I’m trying to find the example 07_minutes_scale.html from your nightly builds
docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/samples/03 … scale.html

Stanislav, thanks for the response and information. Glad we’ll be able to re-init at any time.

Any samples for printing gantt charts for 2.0?

You can use normal web-page printing functionality, just be sure to remove


from the dhtmlxgantt.css link tag.

We plan to add an export to pdf, similar to the dhtmlxScheduler, in future updates

I do a re-init and notice that the scroll bar does not work. I do not know what to do :cry:
This is evident in your example:
docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/samples/01 … ztion.html
(Google Chrome use)

that the scroll bar does not work
Confirmed and fixed
Try to update the codebase from the next package.

s3.amazonaws.com/uploads.hipcha … xgantt.zip

Very good. Big thank you!