Form won't save to table .. same code used no probs

As fast solution, add the next code

dp.attachEvent(“onAfterUpdate”,function(sid, action, tid, tag){

It will resolve above problem.

Thanks Stanislav, but surely, if there was an error, it would never call the update and therefore the OnAfterUpdate event?

onAfterUpdate event will fire on any server side response, while it is in valid format, including @type=“error”

Stanislav, HELP!!

I’ve attached an “beforeUpdate” event to the FormConnector as below, but it NEVER gets called!
I even tried putting a “die();” inside it, but the save attempt goes ahead, without fixing these dates. LogMast::log never writes anything to the log


<?php require_once("toitoi_config.php"); require_once("./dhtmlx/connector/codebase/form_connector.php"); $res=mysql_connect($mysql_server,$mysql_user,$mysql_pass); mysql_select_db($mysql_db); function checkUp($data){ // $nullDate = "NULL"; LogMaster::log("******Entering CheckUP"); $dtFr = $data->get_value("DATA_DECO"); if ($dtFr=="") { $data->set_value("DATA_DECO",NULL); LogMaster::log("******DATA_DECO was empty: set to NULL!"); } $dtTo = $data->get_value("DATA_REST_PR"); if ($dtTo=="") { $data->set_value("DATA_REST_PR",NULL); LogMaster::log("******DATA_REST_PR was empty: set to NULL!"); } } $form = new FormConnector($res); $form->enable_log("./logs/logFilePrev.txt",true); $form->event->attach("beforeUpdate","checkUp"); $form->render_table("prevhead","PrevId","COD_FILIALE,ANNO,NUMERO,DATA,CLIENTE,NOMINATIVO,RAG_SOCIALE_2,INDIRIZZO,CITTA,CAP,PV,ATTENZIONE,PAGAMENTI,PIVA,IVA,SPI,NF,DES_RAG_SOC1,DES_RAG_SOC2,IND_DEST,CITTA_DEST,CAP_DEST,PROV_DEST,LAT,LNG,REFERENTE,TELEF_DEST,DATA_DECO,DATA_REST_PR,INTERVALLO_P,TRASPORTO,COSTO_SPURGO,TOTALE_NETTO,TOTALE_SCONT,TOTALE_IVA,TOTALE_OFFER,COMMENTO"); ?>


Actually Stanislav, I had a look at your php. I looked at the form_connector.php and the base_connector.php, there is NO “beforeUpdate” event defined that I could find!!!

there is NO “beforeUpdate” event defined that I could find!!!
Called from dataprocessor.php, around line 200

If it still doesn’t work, please provide content of logFilePrev.txt

Sorry, my fault Stanislav: i assumed that inserts also called the “beforeUpdate”, but they need a “beforeInsert” method.
All working fine now, thank you.