How to reset the events in scheduler

i am filtering the events using below functions,
scheduler.filter_timeline = function(id, event){
//some_other code
scheduler.filter_week = function(id, event){
if( == ‘New event’)
return false; // event will be filtered (not rendered)
return true; // event will be rendered
scheduler.filter_day = scheduler.filter_week = function(id, event){
i am using below code to reset the applied filters on events , its working find but when i do the filter again, filtering is not working

scheduler.filter_timeline = function(id, event){
return true;
scheduler.filter_week = function(id, event){
return true;
scheduler.filter_day = scheduler.filter_week = function(id, event){
/ return true;

Hello @SreedharLenkalapally

Please check this sample that demonstrates how the filtering functionality works

To solve the issue, you don’t need to reset filters in the way you mentioned, i.e. create 2 filtering functions.
You should add conditions to the only function.

scheduler.filter_month = function(id, event) {
				// display event only if its type is set to true in filters obj
				// or it was not defined yet - for newly created event
				if (filters[event.type] || event.type==scheduler.undefined) {
                                        //add the custom logic here
					return true;

				// default, display all events
				return true;

If that doesn’t help you to solve the issue - please share the demo where the issue can be reproduced.