I need complete crud exemple with MVC or Core

if any one had a complete exemple with MVC or Core can he send it to me
here is my email



You can find a complete demo of DHTMLX Scheduler used with .NET MVC on Github:
GitHub - DHTMLX/scheduler-howto-dotnet ;
And here is the DHTMLX Scheduler with ASP.NET Core:
GitHub - DHTMLX/scheduler-howto-dotnet-core: dhtmlxScheduler RESTful API implementation using ASP.NET Core ;
Please check the related tutorials:
dhtmlxScheduler with ASP.NET MVC Scheduler Docs ;
dhtmlxScheduler with ASP.NET Core Scheduler Docs ;

its not a complete demo there is alot of code to be added

Yes I am looking for the same, Create, update and delete operations API are being placed in the API Class but the client code does not exists.
Can you please provide me the client side code calling server side API Calls (as server side API’s already in place I can take forward from there)

Both demos referenced above contain complete code, both client and server.

In .NET MVC example, GitHub - DHTMLX/scheduler-howto-dotnet
you can find the client code in Views folder:
scheduler-howto-dotnet/Basic.cshtml at master · DHTMLX/scheduler-howto-dotnet · GitHub
scheduler-howto-dotnet/Recurring.cshtml at master · DHTMLX/scheduler-howto-dotnet · GitHub

in .NET Core example, GitHub - DHTMLX/scheduler-howto-dotnet-core: dhtmlxScheduler RESTful API implementation using ASP.NET Core, you can find the relevant code in wwwroot folder:
scheduler-howto-dotnet-core/basic.html at master · DHTMLX/scheduler-howto-dotnet-core · GitHub
scheduler-howto-dotnet-core/recurring.html at master · DHTMLX/scheduler-howto-dotnet-core · GitHub

this is all code needed for the scheduler to be connected to the backend.

  • when scheduler.load is called, a GET request is sent to the specified url, calling the Get action of the controller;
  • when DataProcessor is initialized with the controller url, scheduler will send PUT/POST/DELETE requests whenever a calendar event is updated, deleted or created.
    Here is a relevant doc Server-Side Integration Scheduler Docs

If you call scheduler.addEvent or scheduler.deleteEvent - it will fire a request to the server (addEvent for an existing event will result in PUT request)

Thus, these demos are supposed to be self-sufficient. You can download one, run it, and it’ll create a simple event calendar app - a scheduler in the browser plus the backend that connects it to the database.

Can you please tell me what code you looking for?

Please note we have just updated these demos, the line:
var dp = new dataProcessor("/api/...");

should be replaced with this line, in order to be compatible with dhtmlxScheduler v6.0:
var dp = new scheduler.DataProcessor("/api/...");