Incorrect event display; save date 2018-11-01 display as 2018-01-11


I created a project for the implementation of Scheduler with the Connector for ASP.NET;
the problem is in display events; for example the event with the value in database of startdate: 2018-11-01 (november) is render in scheduler with date 2018-01-11 (january)
I tray to setting the scheduler .config .xml_date but the problem persist.

How can I resolve this?


Please show your settings of xml_date config (I see that you have already tried it). But I need to check it :slight_smile:

this is my setting: Scheduler.Config.xml_date = “%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s”

if I set Scheduler.Config.xml_date = “%Y-%d-%m %H:%i:%s” the startdate save is 2018-01-11 and in display is 2018-11-11



Could you share your data (at least several events)? It will be very helpful if you can add them to the snippet and reproduce the issue.

Here are 2 snippets with the same event in data and different configurations of xml_date. Please check:

Also please check if start_date and end_date have string type in data in your app.


if I set Scheduler.Config.xml_date = “%Y-%d-%m %H:%i:%s” this are the data save in table:immagine
and the ID 99 is not display.

If I set Scheduler.Config.xml_date = “%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s” when I insert the event with date 15 november it is display in red and it is not save in table.

This is my connector
Public Overrides Function CreateConnector(ByVal context As HttpContext) As IdhtmlxConnector

    Dim con = New dhtmlxSchedulerConnector(
                     "start_date", "end_date",
                     "text as text,room_id"
    'Add options to enable selects in the lightbox and sections for Units view 
    Dim optionsConnector = New dhtmlxOptionsConnector("Negozio", "idnegozio",
                                                       con.Request.Adapter, "negozio")
    con.AddOptionsConnector("negozi", optionsConnector)

    Return con
End Function

Here you can downlaod the project in and database in sql 2014!AgJteD9ebUT5xkfIZHPtWj63pL6-


the event id 103 is dispaly 2019 march 11

I try to use the Data.ashx and Save,ashx the visualization and the save record are correct, so the problem is the connector


finally I resolve with shudeler + asp error ???

Thanks Polina

Thank you for the reply and for sharing how you solved the issue. Perhaps it will be useful for those who will encounter a similar issue.