Processing of errors in query

But it is not that i want. I insert wrong data but “onAfterupdate” event return “inserted” by tag.getAttribute(“type”) and return “null” by tag.getAttribute(“sync”). But the same response i received when insert correct data.

in this article i read

What i must do on server-side to return this message if something wrong?

In case of connector it will be call to $action->invalid(); in some of server side events. Normally if DB level error occurs - connector will return “error” status automatically ( invalid status is not set automatically, and can be set through custom events only )

In case of custom code you need to return xml with type=“invalid”, the decision when to output it - is specific to custom server side code.

Stanislav, this is my server-side code


header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=windows-1251');


$conn= mssql_connect('','','');

$sql_query = "SELECT ... ";

if ($condition <> NULL) {  
	$sql_query = iconv('UTF-8','cp1251',$sql_query.$_GET['condition']);
$datagrid = new GridConnector($conn,"MsSQL");
function formatting($row){
  $data = $row->get_value("Datetime_Enbl");
  if (!is_null($data)) $row->set_value("Datetime_Enbl",date("d.m.Y H:i:s",strtotime($data)));
  $data = $row->get_value("Datetime_Dsbl");
  if (!is_null($data)) $row->set_value("Datetime_Dsbl",date("d.m.Y H:i:s",strtotime($data)));
function formatting2($row){
	$data = $row->get_value('Datetime_Enbl');
	$data = strtotime($data);
	if ($data <> NULL) {
		$data = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $data);
	else $row->set_value("Datetime_Enbl",NULL);

	$data = $row->get_value('Datetime_Dsbl');
	$data = strtotime($data);
	if ($data <> NULL) {
		$data = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $data);
	else $row->set_value("Datetime_Dsbl",NULL);
	$data = $row->get_value('dateAdded');
	$data = strtotime($data);
	if ($data == NULL) {
		$data = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
	$data = $row->get_value('dateLastEdited');
	$data = strtotime($data);
	if ($data == NULL) {
		$data = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");



if ($datagrid->is_select_mode()) {
	$datagrid->render_sql($sql_query, "id", "...");
    $datagrid->render_table("SomeTable", "id", "...");

And this code don’t return any errors.

dp.attachEvent("onAfterUpdate", function(sid, action, tid, tag){ alert("sync: "+tag.getAttribute("sync")+", type: "+tag.getAttribute("type")); return true; })
It always return for “sync” attribute “null”-value.

You can use code like next to add custom attributes to server side response.

function responseDetails($action){ //after executing db operation you can place any custom attribute on response if (some_custom_logic($action)) $action->set_response_attribute("sync", "some value"); } $datagrid->event->attach("afterProcessing","responseDetails");

I don’t know the structure of action to process it.
When and where is filled array _POST[]?
I found that before process, that is in your DHTMLX php library, this array _POST[] is filled yet and parameter “!nativeeditor_status” has value.

I don’t know the structure of action to process it. … ion_object