Wrong Dates in Gantt

Hi all.

I’ve found a BIG problem in dates management. Many people complain about wrong dates and various problems on them.
I faced, more or less, the same issues… But I solved them veary easily.

Simply, in Your javascript files (especially dhtmlxgantt.js), change all the parseInt calls adding the second parameter, that force the conversion in base 10. If we send an XML file with a date such “2012,09,28” You’ll convert it in a wrong way, since parseInt consider the string “09” as an octal number !!!

So :


should become

parseInt(variable, 10)

This solved my issues…


That’s true (we will fix that), and another way is to replace 08 in your xml with just 8.

Actually i do not understand how people produces numbers like 08 instead of just 8?