Tooltip issue with autosize

I want to grow my gantt chart according the amount of tasks. So, I put the following configuration:

gantt.config.autosize = "y";

And tooltip:

gantt.templates.tooltip_text = function(start,end,task){ return task.status == "" ? "<b>Sistema:</b> " + task.text : "<b>Atividade:</b> " + task.text + "<br/><b>Status:</b> " + task.status + "<br/><b>Início:</b> " + task.full_start_date + "<br/><b>Conclusão:</b> " + task.full_end_date + "<br/><b>Estimativa:</b> " + task.estimate + "<br/><b>Percentual:</b> <span style='color: #009933'>" + task.progress * 100 + "%</span>"; };

The issue is that tooltip is overlapped:

But, if I define the height greater, it works. How can I solve it? I try to adjust z-index with position absolute for gantt_tooltip in CSS but don’t works.


Try using this sample for solving the problem: