Dataprocessor error line 133

In my project I’m trying to use dhtmlxLayout.
On a page without all works well, while this is I reported the error that an object is missing at line 133 of dataprocessor.
I initialize it this way:
contactsGrid.loadXML ("…/ php / utenti.php “);
myDataProcessor = new dataProcessor (”…/ php / update_utenti.php ") / / lock feed url
myDataProcessor.init (contactsGrid) / / link to the grid dataprocessor
myDataProcessor.setAutoUpdate (2000);

But where am I wrong?
Thanks for the help
I look forward to the new version to buy.
Is your work … divine

Can you provide the exact error message?
Also, are you really uses auto-update mode? ( myDataProcessor.setAutoUpdate(2000) ) - it requires specially prepared data tables on server side, and is not necessary for normal grid usage

Thank you Stanislav, i deleted the row ( myDataProcessor.setAutoUpdate(2000)) and now it works fine.

Now i’ve another problem. When i add a row, dataprocessor insert in db multiple row (2,3,4… boh)
I also use the debugger (dhtmlxdataprocessor_debug), but i did not think of anything.
In addition, the insert operation adds or six different records with id_azienda I select the first company in the multiple entry also includes the second company.

This code is the best for me, but if I can not make it work:

otherwise i wil use this: (slower but more reliable)

Thank you Stanislav.