Form options type not sending data to DB

i have an,form items of type select (options) are not sending data to the GridConnector when i bind the form as shown.
PS: I have dhtmlxprocessor.js and the debug.js included, this code has been shortened for other updates which are working.The form input type items are working properly.

  var str = [
      { type:"block" , name:"block_one", offsetLeft:"30", list:[   
      { type:"select" , name:"departmentid", label:"Department", validate:"ValidInteger",    inputWidth:143, required:true, offsetTop:"10", position:"label-top",connector:"./.. /php/servers.php?options=true&department=2" },
{ type:"select" , name:"acctive", label:"Account Activation", labelWidth:170, inputWidth:143, required:true, offsetTop:"15", position:"label-top", options:[
 { value:"Activated", text:"Account Activated" },
 { value:"Deactivated", text:"Deactivate Account" }
                 ] },
 { type:"label" , name:"lab2", label:"Account Access Rights"  },
{ type:"select" , name:"payroll_priv", label:"Privileges On Payrolls", validate:"ValidAplhaNumeric", labelWidth:170, inputWidth:143, required:true, offsetTop:"10", position:"label-top", options:[
      { value:"n", text:"No Privileges" },
      { value:"e", text:"Edit Only" },
      { value:"c", text:"Create & Edit" },
      { value:"a", text:"Full Control" }
         ] },
{ type:"select" , name:"employee_priv", label:"Privileges On Employees", validate:"ValidAplhaNumeric", labelWidth:170, inputWidth:143, required:true, offsetTop:"10", position:"label-top", options:[
      { value:"n", text:"No Privileges" },
      { value:"e", text:"Edit Only" },
      { value:"c", text:"Create & Edit" },
      { value:"a", text:"Full Control" }
         ] }
      ]  }

      var admins_form = admins_form_cell.attachForm(str);
            admins_form.attachEvent("onValidateError", function (input, value, result){
                   dhtmlx.message({type:"error", text:admins_form.getItemLabel(input).replace(/\*+  /g,'')+" is missing!"});                     
$dbc= new mysqli(DB_SERVER ,DB_USER,DB_PASS, DB_NAME);

function  update($data){
               $departmentID = trim(intval($data->get_value('departmentid')));            
               $emp_priv     = trim(strval($data->get_value('employee_priv')));
               $pay_priv     = trim(strval($data->get_value('payroll_priv')));
               $active       = trim(strval($data->get_value('active')));
               $lid          = $data->get_id();
             global $grid;

$grid->sql->query("UPDATE admin_priv SET     departmentid=".$departmentID.",employee_priv='".$emp_priv."',payroll_priv='".$pay_priv."' WHERE  loginid=".$lid." LIMIT 1");

$grid->sql->query("UPDATE login SET email='".$email."',password=SHA1('".$password."'),active='".$active."' WHERE loginid=".$lid." LIMIT 1");      

         }//END update

/*CRUD processing triggers*/
$grid->event->attach("beforeUpdate",   "update");
$loadSQL  = "SELECT * FROM department  INNER JOIN admin_priv USING(departmentid)  INNER JOIN login USING(loginid) WHERE login.level='A' ";

PS: I have dhtmlxprocessor.js and the debug.js included,  this code has been shortened for other updates which are working

Does new value updated in grid after saving in for?
Can you enable server side logs and provide their result for the problematic operation ?

The new value does nt update bt for other item types it does…the options item sends the current grid value even when i select another

in my log file i am seeing that the server receives the current grid value…n my grid coro types r nt sendin either

in my log file i am seeing that the server receives the current grid value…n my grid coro types r nt sendin either

Can you post the log in question here ?

Log started, 20/02/2013 09:02:56

A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() at C:\wamp\www\captcha\php\connector\xss_filter.php line 178

DataProcessor object initialized
39_gr_id => 39
39_c0 => 4
39_c1 => Marow
39_c2 => Meko
39_c3 =>
39_c4 => 599211000
39_c5 => Women’s Attire
39_c6 => c
39_c7 => c
39_c8 => Activated
39_c9 => 12345678
39_c10 => 160
39_!nativeeditor_status => updated
ids => 39

Row data [39]
loginid => 39
=> 4
fname => Marow
lname => Meko
email =>
national_id => 599211000
department_name => Women’s Attire
employee_priv => c
payroll_priv => c
active => Activated
password => 12345678
departmentid => 160
!nativeeditor_status => updated


Incorrect field name used: level

loginid => 39
=> 4
fname => Marow
lname => Meko
email =>
national_id => 599211000
department_name => Women’s Attire
employee_priv => c
payroll_priv => c
active => Activated
password => 12345678
departmentid => 160
!nativeeditor_status => updated

UPDATE admin_priv SET fname=‘Marow’,lname=‘Meko’,departmentid=160,national_id=599211000,employee_priv=‘c’,payroll_priv=‘c’ WHERE loginid=39 LIMIT 1

UPDATE login SET email=‘’,password=SHA1(‘12345678’),active=‘Activated’ WHERE loginid=39 LIMIT 1

Event code for update processed


Edit operation finished
0 => action:updated; sid:39; tid:39;

Done in 0.18881797790527s

a) check that ids of columns in grid is exactly the same as names of form fields
b) if those are the coro fields in grid - check that they have the same values for options as selects in grid ( they must have not only labels but values as well )

Here is my source code.please advice accordingly

[code]//the form items
{ type:“select” , name:“payroll_priv”, label:“Privileges On Payrolls”
validate:“ValidAplhaNumeric”, labelWidth:170, inputWidth:143, required:true, offsetTop:“10”, position:“label-top”, options:[
{ value:“n”, text:“No Privileges” },
{ value:“e”, text:“Edit Only” },
{ value:“c”, text:“Create & Edit” },
{ value:“a”, text:“Full Control” }
] },
{ type:“select” , name:“employee_priv”, label:“Privileges On Employees”, validate:“ValidAplhaNumeric”, labelWidth:170, inputWidth:143, required:true, offsetTop:“10”, position:“label-top”, options:[
{ value:“n”, text:“No Privileges” },
{ value:“e”, text:“Edit Only” },
{ value:“c”, text:“Create & Edit” },
{ value:“a”, text:“Full Control” }
] }
] }

//and my grid

$grid->set_options(“payroll_priv”,array(“a” => “ALL”, “e”=>“EDIT”,“c” => “CREATE ONLY”));
$grid->set_options(“employee_priv”,array(“a” => “ALL”, “e”=>“EDIT”,“c” => “CREATE ONLY”));


Working sample sent by PM