there is not such a built-in feature. Possibly we’ll add it in the next version. With the existent version you may try appl the approach similar to one I provided to working hours:
This is really good stuff. It works just as I would hope.
I’d like to take it one more step.
Now that I’ve marked the current time, I’d like to position the calendar to that time.
So if the current time is 2:00 then 2:00 should show centered in the view. Currently the user is always presented with the day calendar starting a midnight and then must scroll to the current time. I nice usability change.
Any ideas on this?
I have a similar question with positioning on the list view, but I will open another post for that.
In the same function that draws the time marker you may call scrollTo method:
var markerY = nodes[i].offsetTop+hourHeight/60*minutes; = markerY +“px”;
I’m trying to implement this code but it is not working.
Should I be replacing $$(“scheduler”).$$(“dayList”) with my own variables or should it work like that? Why are there two $$, I’ve only used one before for jQuery…so confused
I’m using version 2.3 and it’s been heavily modified so I cannot upgrade to the newer version. How difficult would to be to add the mark now functionality to it?
I tried adding…
var t = new Date;
var A = this.locate_holder_day(t),
B = t.getHours() * 60 + t.getMinutes(),
y = document.createElement(“DIV”);
y.className = “dhx_now_time”; = Math.round((B * 6E4 - this.config.first_hour * 36E5) * this.config.hour_size_px / 36E5) % (this.config.hour_size_px * 24) + 1 + “px”;
…to reset_scale, as well as adding the css class but that didn’t work.