Read only past events / Edit current/future events

I’m aware of how to put the scheduler in read only mode with the config options, but I’m wondering how to show the Lightbox in readonly mode for past events? Say I want to look at the details of an event that happened yesterday, but disable the ability to modify the event.

The only thing I have running in my demo now is the ability to edit current/future events. Viewing/editing past events is disabled completely.

Ideally I’d just like to be able to click/double click on a past event and view it.



there is built-in tools for such behavior. But it can be done by the client-side code,
here is the sample[code]
function init(){
scheduler.attachEvent(“onBeforeLightbox”, function (id, mode, native_event) {
if (+scheduler.getEvent(id).start_date < +new Date())
scheduler.config.readonly_form = true;//readonly form for old events
scheduler.config.readonly_form = false;//regular form for others
return true;

scheduler.attachEvent(“onBeforeDrag”, function (id, mode, event) {
if (+scheduler.getActionData(event).date < +new Date())//forbid d’n’d in the past
return false;
return true;

var buttons = [“delete”, “edit”];
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
var oldAction = scheduler._click.buttons[buttons[i]];
scheduler._click.buttons[buttons[i]] = function (id) {//disable ‘edit’ and ‘delete’ buttons for old events
if (+scheduler.getEvent(id).start_date < +new Date())
oldAction.apply(scheduler, arguments);

on the server you need to include Readonly form extension, and call this code before scheduler initialization scheduler.Extensions.Add(SchedulerExtensions.Extension.Readonly); scheduler.BeforeInit.Add("init()");