Can't add other event in Timeline if another is exist

I have some app in MVC3 and I using Scheduler there. I’m using Timeline view, when I want to add some event to row for specific user on Y axis, that I can. But when I want to add another event which is on same or similar time (ex.: first event is from 10:00 to 15:00 and second I want 12:00 - 13:00) to same user, I can only click and drag new event, it doesn’t give me a window for fill items for new event… Nothing add into db… and this event disappear… Double click under first event not working too…

But, when I add event after first event (ex.: first is from 10:00 to 15:00 and second 16:00 to 20:00) it works fine.

Could you tell me where is a problem? I read a lot what is on but this I don’t understand why is not function…

I am sorry if this is very easy, I am a beginner in programming… :slight_smile:

Code of View on Controller is this:

public ActionResult Scheduler()
	var scheduler = new DHXScheduler(this);            
	scheduler.LoadData = true;
	scheduler.EnableDataprocessor = true;
	scheduler.Localization.Directory = "locale";
	scheduler.Config.xml_date = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%i";
	scheduler.Skin = DHXScheduler.Skins.Terrace;

	scheduler.XY.scroll_width = 0;
	scheduler.Config.first_hour = 6;
	scheduler.Config.last_hour = 21;
	scheduler.Config.time_step = 30;
	scheduler.Config.limit_time_select = true;

	scheduler.Config.multi_day = true;

	// Here I go into DB and get user for Y axis
	using (var dbcontext = new AppDbContext()) 

		var timeline = new TimelineView("timeline", "user_id");
		var techniclist = dbcontext.Users.Where(x => x.Status == true).ToList();

		timeline.FolderEventsAvailable = false;
		timeline.FitEvents = false;
		timeline.X_Unit = TimelineView.XScaleUnits.Week;
		timeline.X_Date = "%j.%M";
		timeline.X_Step = 1;
		timeline.X_Size = 10;
		timeline.X_Start = 1;
		timeline.X_Length = 2;
		timeline.AddSecondScale(TimelineView.XScaleUnits.Month, "%F %Y");
		timeline.RenderMode = TimelineView.RenderModes.Bar;
		timeline.SectionAutoheight = false;

		foreach (var item in techniclist)
			TimelineUnit section = new TimelineUnit(item.ID, item.Name + " " + item.Surname);
	return View("Scheduler", scheduler);

Code of Data():

public ContentResult Data()
	using (var dbcontext = new AppDbContext())
		var filteredEvents = dbcontext.Events.Where(x => x.Status == true).ToList();

		var events = filteredEvents.Select(s => new
			id =,
			user_id = s.UserID.ToString(),
			text = s.text.ToString(),
			start_date = s.start_date.ToString(),
			end_date = s.end_date.ToString(),
			event_length = s.event_length.HasValue ?  s.event_length.ToString() : null,
			event_pid = s.event_pid.HasValue ? s.event_pid.ToString() : null,
			rec_type = s.rec_type != null ? s.rec_type.ToString() : null,
			technic_id = s.technic_id != null ? s.technic_id.ToString() : null
		var data = new SchedulerAjaxData(events);
		return data;

And Save function on Controller:

public ActionResult Save(Events updatedEvent, FormCollection formData)
	using (AppDbContext dbcontext = new AppDbContext())
		var action = new DataAction(formData);		
		if (updatedEvent.rec_type == "none")
			action.Type = DataActionTypes.Delete;
		if (updatedEvent.rec_type == "null")
			updatedEvent.rec_type = null;

		if (action.Type == DataActionTypes.Insert)
			if (IsAdmin == true)
				int intuser = 0;
				bool test = false;
				test = Int32.TryParse(formData["user_id"], out intuser);
				updatedEvent.UserID = intuser;
				updatedEvent.UserID = LoggedUser.UserID;
				updatedEvent.AdminEdit = false;

			if (IsAdmin == true)
				updatedEvent.AdminEdit = true;

		if (action.Type == DataActionTypes.Update)
			var dbEvent = dbcontext.Events.FirstOrDefault(x => ==;
			if (dbEvent != null)
				dbEvent.start_date = updatedEvent.start_date;
				dbEvent.end_date = updatedEvent.end_date;
				dbEvent.text = updatedEvent.text;
				dbEvent.rec_type = updatedEvent.rec_type;
				dbEvent.event_length = updatedEvent.event_length;
				dbEvent.event_pid = updatedEvent.event_pid;
				dbEvent.technic_id = updatedEvent.technic_id;
				dbcontext.Entry(dbEvent).State = EntityState.Modified;                        
		if (action.Type == DataActionTypes.Delete)
			var dbEvent = dbcontext.Events.FirstOrDefault(x => ==;
			if (dbEvent != null)

		action.TargetId =;

		return (new AjaxSaveResponse(action));

And View with scheduler:

@model DHTMLX.Scheduler.DHXScheduler
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

@*Some HTML code here*@


Thanks for help to everyone!

I couldn’t reproduce exact issue, however there is a thing in your code scheduler.Config.xml_date = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%i"; you need to apply the same format to SchedulerAjaxDatavar data = new SchedulerAjaxData(events); data.DateFormat = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%i";
As for the problem, are there any error messages in browser console when you adding events at the same time?

Hi Aliaksandr,
Thanks for your reply and thanks for notice with dates.

In browser console there are no messages when I trying to add event. When I add event like first (function) case, there I get “Save?editing=true” like POST method, and it is OK (in Google Chrome developer tools- Network; in Console itself there is nothing).

But in second “unfunction” case, there is nothing… :confused:
