Scheduler 4.0 - beta

In next few weeks we plan to release dhtmlxScheduler 4.0
Major new features are

  • Flexible time scales - some days, hours can be removed from time scale
  • Ability to show “more events” links in month view
  • jQuery integration
  • Backbone Integration
  • Default skin changed to “terrace”, multi-day events are visible by default
  • Alternative start-date logic for recurring events
  • Documentation greatly improved

We do not expect any incompatibility, still it may be good to check this beta version against your code, and report any problems

GPL package

Documentation in CHM format

There is no responsive layout for lightbox?

I tested it, but it seems not working with Internet Explorer 10 on touch devices. Time selection is not working correctly and after I selected a time interval - no dialog is opened for event.

I hope you fix it until end release because we have a lot of clients from USA using IE10 on Tablets.

Updated package is available at

  • touch support in latest Chrome for Android improved
  • touch support for IE10 improved
  • scheduler can load json generated by .Net webservices, without extra conversion

but it seems not working with Internet Explorer 10 on touch devices
Partially fixed, IE10 in touch mode can’t provide both vertical drag and scroll in same time
So vertical moving gesture is recognized as scrolling attempt.
To create new event you need to create event through double-tap, or you can create event through long-touch (wait for create message ) + horizontal drag gesture ( vertical gesture is recognized as scroll )

Great news!

What does “Alternative start-date logic for recurring events” mean?

Recurring events are very important, and one thing that’s missing from dhtmlx scheduler is:
after you define a recurring event, you can’t edit the whole event starting from a certain date.

You can only edit the whole series or just an instance.

For example:
let’s say i have an event on every monday

But after a year, i want to move it to every tuesday (keeping the previous events on monday)
How can I do that? Now it will change ALL the events to Tuesday, which won’t work

Thank for the great work!

Updating recurring serie is in our plans but still not in 4.0
As for above fix - it fixes the case when during saving recurring event, start date may shift back to the start of the week. ( It was kind of feature, initially, now both modes - with shifting and without shifting are supported )