How can i open lightbox onload?

How can i open lightbox on load? I looked in to examples similar to following:

scheduler.load("./data/events.xml", function() { scheduler.showLightbox("1261150564"); });

But i have json event list
i tried following :

scheduler.init('scheduler_here', new Date(),"timeline", function() { scheduler.showLightbox("1261150564"); });

scheduler.parse([<?php print($this->calendar_events);?>],"json", function() { scheduler.showLightbox("1261150564"); );

but no lick.

just put command after parse ( parse is sync, so there is no need for callback )

scheduler.parse([<?php print($this->calendar_events);?>],"json"); scheduler.showLightbox("1261150564");

now i get ev is undefined error :confused:

Are you sure that you have event with such id as 1261150564 ?