Add and format titles on gantt

is it possible to change and edit the column names and types
I want to change task to be order and to add a personal column named sof with a guid number that
i will get from server

Hello Ariel,
Yes, it is possible to change the column configuration.

The label parameter allows showing the column name or HTML elements:
columns Gantt Docs(string

The columns don’t have different types.
If you want to display custom content or HTML elements instead of the task property, you need to use the template function:

Here is an example in the snippet:

Thx for your answer.
what i want to do is to add a select box on the left side.
is this possible or that should only be from the a lightbox?

Hello Ariel,
If you want to show the dropdown element in the grid, it is possible to do that. For that, you need to use the template function in the column configuration:

But you need to manually add the function to update the task values and do something else (for example, auto-scheduling).

As an alternative, you can use the built-in inline editor with the select type:

Here are examples:'07_grid/11_inline_edit_basic.html'&filter='inline''07_grid/12_inline_edit_key_nav.html'&filter='inline'