Timing issue.

My project name is GoReadGo. You can check it here goreadgo.com/ .
Problem :
Calendar shows different time of event on Computer & different time on Mobile devices.
There is different time of events on Computer & Mobile which need to be same.

I have enable the following options also:
scheduler.config.occurrence_timestamp_in_utc = true;
scheduler.config.server_utc = true;

Please guide me for above issue.


The scheduler doesn’t apply time zone settings to events.
So, for all users calendar must show the same time, there is no way to show the same event at different time for different users.

Thank you so much for your response.
Yes you are right but there is also different number of events shows on Mobile/Tablet device and computer.
Tablet shows 13 and computer shows 15 number of events at a same time.

Please reply,
Thank you in advance.

Can you provide a problematic dataset please? ( you can send a PM message or an email to support@dhtmlx.com if data is confidential )

Thank you again…

See below is my XML



The start date is [2016-10-18 18:00:00] then it shows 12:00PM on computer but shows 11:00AM on mobile device

And if I change start date as [2016-10-18 19:00:00] then it will show 01:00PM on computer and shows 12:00PM on mobile device.

In output We need 12:00PM on both Computer & Mobile screen.

Thank you in Advance… :slight_smile:

Please reply me…

The date 2016-11-06 19:00:00 display as 12:00PM on calendar which is Right.

But if date is 2016-11-05 19:00:00 it displays as 01:00PM which is wrong for me, I want 12:00PM on calendar. For all date which is less then 2016-11-05 it is showing 01:00PM.

Please help…

Thank You In Advance…


Looks like you have different timezones on your devices, i.e. your computer is in UTC+5 and your mobile device is in UTC+6.
When you use server_utc mode scheduler receives dates in UTC and then converts them to local time using Date.UTC method and also it converts dates back to UTC before sending it to the server. As the result, you store events in universal time and each client sees them in a correct local time.
What is the expected behavior for users viewing scheduler from different timezones in your app?

If you disable server_utc, then dates should be displayed as they are (i.e. 2016-10-18 18:00:00 will be parsed as 6:00PM), however this mode is not designed for multi-timezone usage and they may be some issues with the recurring events extension as it stores dates of modified instances as timestamps

Thank You so much for your response.

I have set up the same timezone in both machine & mobile device i.e : UTC-7.

i have determine that if my Recurring session’s start date is greater then 2016-11-05 then it works great for both machine & mobile BUT if the start_date is less then 2016-11-05 then there will be a 1 hour gap for Machine & Mobile, Mobile will show 12:00PM and machine shows 11:00AM.

Thank you in Advance…

Please consider this one not last one…

I have determine that if my Recurring session’s start date is greater then 2016-11-05 then it works great for both machine & mobile BUT if the start_date is less then 2016-11-05 then there will be a 1 hour gap for both Machine & Mobile.

Thank You In Advance