1) I would to know if it is possible to stop all the action

I would to know if it is possible to stop all the actions after a drop. When I
return false to the function, I always get the drag item on the mouse cursor. I
would it diseapear when I want cancel the drag & drop action.

I would like to know if it is possible to drag & drop an item without put
it on the destination structure, ie just for put an item virtually in a tree

  1. You must use onDrag event. Returning false in
    onDrag event cancels current drag-n-drop operation (the similar event onDragIn
  • doesn’t cancel drag-n-drop, but only denies drag to the current node).


  1. You can drag any item, return false in onDrag
    method and use moveItem/addItem methods to imitate drag-n-drop result.