4.0 combo.loadXML

I see that in 4.0 the combo.loadXML has been deprecated and the new usage is combo.load. The question I have is an example ( docs.dhtmlx.com/grid__columns_ty … #selectbox) under the section “DHTMLX Combo as an editor”

[code]mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject(‘gridbox’);

combo = mygrid.getColumnCombo(0);//takes the column index

The last line referenced a combo column in a grid and used the combo.loadXML method. Is this correct? I am working on updating a test app to 4.0.2 and was using the loadXML on a few combo columns in a grid and it kept failing( see attach pic). I then changed one of the combo column from combo.loadXML to combo.load. The combo.load did not return an error but it did not get populated until I found the

method. When using a combo in a grid should it always be combo.load and do I need to set the ajax method to “get” always?



The last line referenced a combo column in a grid and used the combo.loadXML method. Is this correct?
thanks for info. docs-updates are still in progress, we will fix. should be “load”.

do I need to set the ajax method to “get” always?
this is depending on your server side I guess. you need to enable it once. one app model require GETs another POSTs, so we added ability to choose.