8.2 Combobox template doesnt render correctly

Here is an example of a Combobox with template.

Combobox example

Each next update of the Suite makes it worse and unreliable.

Here are two main problems:

1. In 8.2 the item template doesn’t render the same when the dropdown is displayed and when an item is selected. If you switch back to 8.1.10 it behaves better as u can see in the example.

In version 8.1.10 the flag is displayed on the right both in the dropdown and the input field.
In version 8.2 the flag is displayed next to the text and looks ugly. So obviously something was changed.

2. Previously when u have template and select a value from the dropdown, in the input field u see only the value as a plain text instead of the html template. But after recent update it started behaving differently. Now u see the html temlate and in case it is on multiple lines the input field doesnt scale its height to fit the content and it looks TERRIBLY UGLY!!!

So i have a simple question: How can i disable the rendering of the template inside the input field and only be available when the dropdown is displayed?

Hello Nikolai.

Unfortunately the current behavior is an expected and correct one.
Combo template is applying to the options list and to the selected option.

This doesn’t work well with multiselect and when u have hover events as well.

The user should be able to decide if he wants the template to be rendered inside the input field or not. Template is good when u have the dropdown open but in most cases it doesn’t go well after u select one or more values and they get rendered in a weird way inside the input field…

The user should be able to decide what to display inside the input field (maybe another template or simply the value) especially when u have multiselect combobox.

In case of multiselection mode the combo displays values in the input:
Just like you need.

Ok! Thanks for changing back to normal

We did not change anything, but you are welcome)
Have a nice day.

Obviously u have missed that in between the daily release of bug fixes like 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.3 and so on.

Yes, most probably. But I’ve based on the topic, which states, that the problem is in the 8.2, while it still the latest build.

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