I was using ContectMenu, when I right click the ContextMenu will show/pop up. But if I did not click on the CotextMenu, the CotextMenu will continue show there. How can I set a timer(eg 5 second) when ContextMenu show/pop up and no response within 5 second, the ContextMenu will auto close
The menu has two inner methods:
both located in dhtmlxMenu.js, lines 1270-1290. You can add custom code
which starts 3sec timer in _onItemOut and drop it in _onItemOver. In such
case timer will fire in 3sec after mouse was moved out from menu.
But I do not know how to do,could you help me to do an example? Thanks
Code below is not tested but must work
global code
var timer=null;
In _onItemOut next code added
In _onItemOver
next code added
if (timer) timer=window.clearTimeout(timer);