At the moment, I am working in a project in which we use a grid with a dhtmlxtoolbar for pagination.
I need to modify the order of the components (buttons, combos and so on) of the pagination toolbar: par example, we’d like to place the previous/next buttons together on the right, etc.
I have looked for it in dhtmlx documentation, api, etc but I have found any code example. I don’t know if it is possible, and if it is, how can it be done.
How would I customize the pagination toolbar to do the following?
[]Show total number of items returned in query[/]
[]Customize the Rows Per Page dropdown to show only 5, 10, 25, 100, or All[/]
I figured out the answer to my first question, “How do I Customize the Rows Per Page dropdown to show only 5, 10, 25, 100, or All?”
First I need to remove the default items I do not want:
var toolbar = labgrid.aToolBar;
Then I need to add the two options that were missing:
toolbar.addListOption("perpagenum","perpagenum_100",4,"button","100 rows per page");
toolbar.addListOption("perpagenum","show_all",0,"button","Show All");
Finally I add the function to handle the “Show All” option:
if (val=="show_all"){
toolbar.setItemText("perpagenum","Show All");
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