About recurring and ics


I know there are some problems to export recurrings events to ics. But is there a possibility to set up a limit in repetitions?

For example, you can just set up a recurring event til june. Then, it will not repeat forever and ics will not have problem.

Ics should pick up all events not just the first one.

Example: You have 2 events, first one is one day event and second one reapeated 3 times. Ics file should be like this:
event 1
duration : 1day
event 2:
one day
event 3
one day
event 4
one day

Is it possible? Pick up all events one by one…

It possible to alter serialization method, so it will output all currently visible occurrences of recurring events. Still there is no way to show all occurrences.

We have a prototype of php helper , which is able to convert recurring events between scheduler and iCal formats. If you are want to check it ( still in early development ) - contact us directly at support@dhtmlx.com