Accessing java from grid


i’m trying to use Data Processing and link with Server Datasource. I use your example of the server side code for jsp.

Can i call a java method (through jsp) in grid out of row and column?

For example i use Custom statistics counter (automatically calculated values) and in following codes:


var calck=function(){


this._stat_in_header(tag,calck,index,c); }

Can i call a java method so getCalckOperation() in order to determine calck function like sum,or multiply?

Thanks in advance!

Can i call a java method so getCalckOperation() in order to determine calck function like sum,or multiply?
Stat counters and filters designed to be fully client side, there is no way to executed server side code while using them.

wenn i have the following code in jsp:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<%@ page import=“java.util."%>
<%@ page import="de.webtier.
    GridBean g = new GridBean();%>
        <%=g.getOperationType() %>

Can i call g.getOperationType() in JS ? like this: var submit = result.getElementsByTagName(‘submit’).item(0).data;

Thanks in advance!