$list = new OptionsConnector($res);
$list->render_sql("SELECT ID AS value, CONCAT(Type, ' ',Date) AS label FROM promos ORDER BY Date DESC","ID","value, label");
$scheduler->set_options("promos", $list);
This assumes that there will always be a value associated with promos.
How can I add a blank default line to the top of the select listbox to hold a null value if nothing needs to be assigned to the promos listbox?
On server side, you can set the list of options, not by SQL, but by providing array of values - in such case you will be able to define any set of options.
So does that mean that I can either fill the listbox with a list from my db OR handcode the listbox items? Can I dynamically fill the list box AND just handcode a blank row? Thanks.
I believe what Stanislav meant was that you can execute your own query to the database to get list of options, make array of the result, add blank value and then use it with set_options method.
I have major problem with recurring scheduler. I have different different tutor which have store his own free schedule and student can see and book the schedule.
But there is problem with how to add new data base table to store event_id and and tutor_id
and also add recuring table add filed.