Hi all,
I am trying to add a combobox popup to the bottom toolbar of the mobile scheduler so that users can choose their timezone. Once the user makes their selection, it would automatically set a cookie, then reload the page. I seem to have gotten close, but to no avail as the options don’t really popup when you click it, but rather there is a textbox that you can start typing in and then the selections become visible. I think it requires the “touch” jscript file, which isn’t used in mobile scheduler, and when I try to add it I get errors as if the “touch” and “scheduler” javascript files collide.
Here is the code I am using:
scheduler.config.bottom_toolbar = [
{ view:"button",id:"today",label:scheduler.locale.labels.icon_today,inputWidth:scheduler.xy.icon_today, align:"left",width:scheduler.xy.icon_today+6},
{ view:"segmented", id:"buttons",selected:"list",align:"center",multiview:true, options:[
{ value:"list", label:scheduler.locale.labels.list_tab,width:scheduler.xy.list_tab},
{ value:"day", label:scheduler.locale.labels.day_tab,width:scheduler.xy.day_tab},
{ value:"month", label:scheduler.locale.labels.month_tab,width:scheduler.xy.month_tab}
{ view:"combo",name: "timezones", id:'tz', click:"log", label: 'TZ', value:"1", yCount:"3", options:[
{ id:"1", value:"pst" },
{ id:"2", value:"est" },
{ id:"3", value:"gmt" }
{ view:"button",css:"add",id:"add", align:"right",label:"",inputWidth:42,width:50},
{ view:"label", label:"",inputWidth:42,width:50, batch:"readonly"}
Thank you.