AddEventNow - options not load

I add select with options load from db in lightbox

scheduler.config.lightbox.sections=[ {name: "Descrizione", height:30, map_to:"text", type:"textarea" , focus:true}, {name: "Orario", height:30, type:"calendar_time", map_to:"auto"}, {name: "Attività", height: 30, map_to: "attivita", type: "select", options: scheduler.serverList("attivita")}, {name: "Cliente", height: 30, map_to: "cliente", type: "select", options: scheduler.serverList("cliente")}, {name: "Utente", height: 30, map_to: "utente", type: "select", options: scheduler.serverList("utente")}, ];

If I try to open new Event using addEventNow, all combobox are empty (without any options):

scheduler.init('scheduler_here', new Date(), "week"); scheduler.setLoadMode("week"); scheduler.load("./pages/agenda/load_agenda.php"); scheduler.addEventNow({ start_date: new Date(), end_date: new Date(), text: "", cliente: "1" }); var dp = new dataProcessor("./pages/agenda/load_agenda.php"); dp.init(scheduler);

How can I fix it?

Thanks to all


AddEventNow adds new event earlier than lightbox sections loaded.
You can fix it by using onXLE event.

Thanks, it’s work perfect!